Located in Apples in the district of Morges, canton of Vaud.

Welcome to this web space dedicated to beekeeping, this passion that carries me through the seasons.

My job is to watch over my protégées and their environment. I adapt the management of my hives to their evolution.
By controlling swarming, installing supers, multiplying colonies, producing queens, end-of-season anti-varroa treatments and supplementary or emergency feeding depending on the weather, biodiversity and season.


Located in Apples in the district of Morges, canton of Vaud.

Welcome to this web space dedicated to beekeeping, this passion that carries me through the seasons.

My job is to watch over my protégées and their environment. I adapt the management of my hives to their evolution.
By controlling swarming, installing supers, multiplying colonies, producing queens, end-of-season anti-varroa treatments and supplementary or emergency feeding depending on the weather, biodiversity and season.


The Honeys of Ruchers du Talus are produced mainly in the Morges District from the edge of the Lake to the foot of the Jura. The locations of the apiaries chosen according to local biodiversity promote the health and dynamism of the bees in order to produce quality honey. In French-speaking Switzerland we mainly harvest twice per season. Once at the end of May for spring honey and the second at the end of July for summer honey. I invite you to observe the blooms from the emergence of spring until it is in full swing because a majority of these nectars will be present in the spring honey.

For example, at the end of January, the catkins of the hazelnut trees provide the first pollen of the season if the weather permits. It is possible to observe the bees in full action. The willows and the dandelion will follow, then the cherry trees/wild cherry trees, the rapeseed, the prunus etc. Thus, all the following blooms will bring the nectars and honeydew to the summer honeys, including in particular the lime trees, chestnut trees, brambles (wild blackberries and raspberries) and possibly depending on the location the firs with their honeydew. Our honeys are produced in the District of Morges, from the edge of the lake in Allaman, at the foot of the Jura in Mont-la-Ville; passing through Etoy, Yens, Denens, Vufflens-le-Château, Bussy-Chardonney, Cottens, Vuillerens, Aclens, Collombier-sur-Morges, Apples, Gimel, St-Oyens, Bière and Berolle.

(suggested price)

  • Spring Honey from Ruchers du Talus 20 CHF

    White flower honey from the end of March to the end of May, certified organic, in a 500g jar

  • Spring Honey from Ruchers du Talus 11 CHF

    White flower honey from the end of March to the end of May, certified organic, in a 250g jar

  • Summer honey from Ruchers du Talus 20 CHF

    Amber honey from flower nectar and/or honeydew harvested from the end of May to the end of July, certified organic, in a 500g jar

  • Summer honey from Ruchers du Talus 11 CHF

    Amber honey from flower nectar and/or honeydew harvested from the end of May to the end of July, certified organic, in a 250g jar


The Honeys of Ruchers du Talus are produced mainly in the Morges District from the edge of the Lake to the foot of the Jura. The locations of the apiaries chosen according to local biodiversity promote the health and dynamism of the bees in order to produce quality honey. In French-speaking Switzerland we mainly harvest twice per season. Once at the end of May for spring honey and the second at the end of July for summer honey. I invite you to observe the blooms from the emergence of spring until it is in full swing because a majority of these nectars will be present in the spring honey.

For example, at the end of January, the catkins of the hazelnut trees provide the first pollen of the season if the weather permits. It is possible to observe the bees in full action. The willows and the dandelion will follow, then the cherry trees/wild cherry trees, the rapeseed, the prunus etc. Thus, all the following blooms will bring the nectars and honeydew to the summer honeys, including in particular the lime trees, chestnut trees, brambles (wild blackberries and raspberries) and possibly depending on the location the firs with their honeydew. Our honeys are produced in the District of Morges, from the edge of the lake in Allaman, at the foot of the Jura in Mont-la-Ville; passing through Etoy, Yens, Denens, Vufflens-le-Château, Bussy-Chardonney, Cottens, Vuillerens, Aclens, Collombier-sur-Morges, Apples, Gimel, St-Oyens, Bière and Berolle.

(suggested price)

  • Spring Honey from Ruchers du Talus 20 CHF

    White flower honey from the end of March to the end of May, certified organic, in a 500g jar

  • Spring Honey from Ruchers du Talus 11 CHF

    White flower honey from the end of March to the end of May, certified organic, in a 250g jar

  • Summer honey from Ruchers du Talus 20 CHF

    Amber honey from flower nectar and/or honeydew harvested from the end of May to the end of July, certified organic, in a 500g jar

  • Summer honey from Ruchers du Talus 11 CHF

    Amber honey from flower nectar and/or honeydew harvested from the end of May to the end of July, certified organic, in a 250g jar


“As good as the queen is as good as the hive!”

Queens of Ruchers du Talus

I raise queens in order to maintain and improve the production qualities for my own colonies.
Some of these queens thus produced are available for purchase from Rucher du Talus.
Direct collection at Apples (which facilitates the introduction of the queen by avoiding the breakage of laying) or sent by post by A mail in a crate with companions in a perforated envelope. Sales according to availability from May to October.

*natural queens are not from picking.

  • Natural* 50 CHF

    From the apiary

  • F1 mother station (F0) 50 CHF

    Carnica SAR F0

  • F1 from Buckfast mother station (F0) 50 CHF

    Buckfast F0

  • F0 station 80 CHF

    Buckfast F0


“As good as the queen is as good as the hive!”

Queens of Ruchers du Talus

I raise queens in order to maintain and improve the production qualities for my own colonies.
Some of these queens thus produced are available for purchase from Rucher du Talus.
Direct collection at Apples (which facilitates the introduction of the queen by avoiding the breakage of laying) or sent by post by A mail in a crate with companions in a perforated envelope. Sales according to availability from May to October.

*natural queens are not from picking.

  • Natural* 50 CHF

    From the apiary

  • F1 mother station (F0) 50 CHF

    Carnica SAR F0

  • F1 from Buckfast mother station (F0) 50 CHF

    Buckfast F0

  • F0 station 80 CHF

    Buckfast F0


“What is not useful to the swarm is not useful to the bee.”

My bees and their management

In a few words I would like to outline the work carried out in the hives during the year.
Firstly my hives are installed on sites that promote their autonomy both in terms of pollen, which is essential, both in terms of nectar, which concerns both the production of honey and quality bees and finally, minimizes the amount of sugar supply necessary for wintering; this throughout the season. I also pay attention to the quantity of bees in season both by neighboring hives and by mine depending on the resources! Since 2018, I have opted for a transition to organic production. I support organic farming through my purchases both personal as far as possible and professional in the choice of sugar which is used as needed according to the colonies to best guarantee the passage from the season without flowers / the winter in simple to perfect their reserves. I therefore direct as much as possible a multiplication of colonies that spend the season with a good stock of honey and naturally enter wintering with already a good reserve. (I am still looking for a simple way to organize a follow-up of the queen mothers, the queens of such colonies for the moment it is still a little basic but evolves quickly).

The Bud agriculture/Biological beekeeping label guarantees that the products used against Varroa are clean and do not leave any traces in the hives, waxes or honey! Which is important for both the consumer and the environment. The Bud label is currently the only one that guarantees the quality of waxes through a closed cycle of beeswax produced in its own hives, the best of which comes from the opercula (honeycombs) and is purified by melting and then re-pressed into honeycomb-based wax (rough comb) which will be replaced on the frames and introduced in place of the old waxes in the hives. These closed-cycle wax management techniques have recently become part of the recommendations of the SAR (Societé d’Apiculture Romande), which continues to refine its advice and beekeeping techniques. Beyond the bud, I promote a natural approach to hives according to their cycle and the flowering cycle. I try not to disturb the colonies too much during the necessary visits and often limit their number and duration. So I keep an eye open on the hive entrances (flight holes) in order to make early detection of possible queen/health/dynamism problems in the colonies from the outside which reduces routine hive openings and therefore the disturbance and workload!

If you are looking for bees

Please send me an email to subscribe to the mailing list for wintered or seasonal colonies!

  • Bio Colony 330 CHF

    On 6 winterized or seasonal frames depending on availability from the beginning of April

  • Built-in riser frames 5 CHF

    Stainless steel spun limewood super frames with radius already built


“What is not useful to the swarm is not useful to the bee.”

My bees and their management

In a few words I would like to outline the work carried out in the hives during the year.
Firstly my hives are installed on sites that promote their autonomy both in terms of pollen, which is essential, both in terms of nectar, which concerns both the production of honey and quality bees and finally, minimizes the amount of sugar supply necessary for wintering; this throughout the season. I also pay attention to the quantity of bees in season both by neighboring hives and by mine depending on the resources! Since 2018, I have opted for a transition to organic production. I support organic farming through my purchases both personal as far as possible and professional in the choice of sugar which is used as needed according to the colonies to best guarantee the passage from the season without flowers / the winter in simple to perfect their reserves. I therefore direct as much as possible a multiplication of colonies that spend the season with a good stock of honey and naturally enter wintering with already a good reserve. (I am still looking for a simple way to organize a follow-up of the queen mothers, the queens of such colonies for the moment it is still a little basic but evolves quickly).

The Bud agriculture/Biological beekeeping label guarantees that the products used against Varroa are clean and do not leave any traces in the hives, waxes or honey! Which is important for both the consumer and the environment. The Bud label is currently the only one that guarantees the quality of waxes through a closed cycle of beeswax produced in its own hives, the best of which comes from the opercula (honeycombs) and is purified by melting and then re-pressed into honeycomb-based wax (rough comb) which will be replaced on the frames and introduced in place of the old waxes in the hives. These closed-cycle wax management techniques have recently become part of the recommendations of the SAR (Societé d’Apiculture Romande), which continues to refine its advice and beekeeping techniques. Beyond the bud, I promote a natural approach to hives according to their cycle and the flowering cycle. I try not to disturb the colonies too much during the necessary visits and often limit their number and duration. So I keep an eye open on the hive entrances (flight holes) in order to make early detection of possible queen/health/dynamism problems in the colonies from the outside which reduces routine hive openings and therefore the disturbance and workload!

If you are looking for bees

Please send me an email to subscribe to the mailing list for wintered or seasonal colonies!

  • Bio Colony 330 CHF

    On 6 winterized or seasonal frames depending on availability from the beginning of April

  • Built-in riser frames 5 CHF

    Stainless steel spun limewood super frames with radius already built


Collection service for Morges and areas

I answer calls and participate in the collection of swarms that end up outside the hives on the public highway or in private homes. I am part of the SOS swarms group which shares the task to avoid the inconvenience of young swarms.


Collection service for Morges and areas

I answer calls and participate in the collection of swarms that end up outside the hives on the public highway or in private homes. I am part of the SOS swarms group which shares the task to avoid the inconvenience of young swarms.


Potting service

Filling my first jars of honey quickly turned into a time-consuming task requiring a lot of handling. So I equipped myself accordingly and I now offer you a service for putting your honey into jars.


Potting service

Filling my first jars of honey quickly turned into a time-consuming task requiring a lot of handling. So I equipped myself accordingly and I now offer you a service for putting your honey into jars.


Thomas Lüthi – beekeeper

Route de Yens 12

1143 Apples

+41 77 470 55 85